Digital for Sport_

Discovery Exchange

Skillnet Innovation Exchange is delighted to announce details of Discovery Exchange, a new initiative developed in partnership with Research Ireland to promote collaboration between industry leaders and researchers funded under the National Challenge Fund. The aim of the initiative is to develop a better understanding of the challenges society is facing, from multiple perspectives, and facilitate a collaborative approach to developing innovative solutions to tackle them.

Fostering Collaboration

Discovery Exchange will provide an opportunity for academic researchers and enterprise to engage and learn from one another, fostering potential collaborations that will enable the development of impactful solutions to societal challenges. The launch event, which was held on 22nd October 2024, brought over 250 delegates together to explore the different mindsets, approaches and processes required to address the big challenges in green transition and digital transformation, kick starting a process of collaboration between industry and innovators through keynotes, panels and roundtables.

The Sport Innovation and Technology Summit 2024

2nd of October

in the Sport Ireland Campus

Get In Touch

If you are interested in being involved in this initiative or in future Discovery Exchange events, please contact at

Kyte Powertech Challenge

Will be published on

August 22nd 2024

How Skillnet Innovation Exchange works

Skillnet Innovation Exchange is a marketplace for innovation – it connects organisations facing digital challenges with the technology expertise that can fast-track the solutions.
• Before the challenge process begins, Skillnet Innovation Exchange advisors will engage with the sport body to agree, shape and work on how the challenge should be presented.
• The next step is to share the challenge with members. This is done via a one hour zoom call (presentation followed by q&a) moderated by Skillnet Innovation Exchange.
• Following this members will submit solution proposals which are assessed by Skillnet Innovation Exchange who will then make recommendations to the sport body.
• Selected solutions providers will be invited to pitch directly to the sport body (facilitated by Skillet Innovation Exchange). There is no obligation on the part of the sport body to progress with any solution.

From Challenge to Deal in Six Steps

Deal Done

Q1 2024

Horse Sport Ireland + Miagen

Horse Sport Ireland published a challenge to identify a solutions provider for an urgent and complex data cleansing project. Miagen, a provider of advanced data integration solutions with a specialisation in data integration and process flow automation was successful in their pitch. From challenge to deal took only 10 days – the fastest Skillnet Innovation Exchange deal yet.

Challenges so far

If your business is helping big business realise their digital transformation ambitions,

then you need to be part of Skillnet Innovation Exchange.

Register your interest