Digital for Sport_

Digital For Sport

Digital for Sport is a new initiative designed to support National Governing Bodies and Local Sports Partnerships looking to harness the power of digital technology to increase efficiencies and performance!

A collaboration between Sport Ireland and Skillnet Innovation Exchange, Digital for Sport will help sport bodies to identify and adopt digital solutions that will:

• Streamline administrative processes
• Optimise data management and communications
• Improve the understanding of team/athlete performance

Challenge areas

The types of challenges we expect to address via Digital for Sport include co-odinating, scheduling, communications, payments processing, ticketing, fundraising, financial management, data analytics, facilities maintenance, reporting and governance, event management, social media and website management.

Solutions providers

Sport bodies will get access to the Skillnet Innovation Exchange SME membership mostly comprising small Irish technology companies – talented innovators with an exceptional knowledge of digital SME technologies. All have built up a strong track record and they are based all around the country.

How Skillnet Innovation Exchange works

Skillnet Innovation Exchange is a marketplace for innovation – it connects organisations facing digital challenges with the technology expertise that can fast-track the solutions.
• Before the challenge process begins, Skillnet Innovation Exchange advisors will engage with the sport body to agree, shape and work on how the challenge should be presented.
• The next step is to share the challenge with members. This is done via a one hour zoom call (presentation followed by q&a) moderated by Skillnet Innovation Exchange.
• Following this members will submit solution proposals which are assessed by Skillnet Innovation Exchange who will then make recommendations to the sport body.
• Selected solutions providers will be invited to pitch directly to the sport body (facilitated by Skillet Innovation Exchange). There is no obligation on the part of the sport body to progress with any solution.

From Challenge to Deal in Six Steps

Deal Done

Q1 2024

Horse Sport Ireland + Miagen

Horse Sport Ireland published a challenge to identify a solutions provider for an urgent and complex data cleansing project. Miagen, a provider of advanced data integration solutions with a specialisation in data integration and process flow automation was successful in their pitch. From challenge to deal took only 10 days – the fastest Skillnet Innovation Exchange deal yet.

Challenges so far

If your business is helping big business realise their digital transformation ambitions,

then you need to be part of Skillnet Innovation Exchange.